Carol qualified as a Registered Dietitian in 1977.  In 1980, at St George’s Hospital, London, she was invited to take part in a research project examining hypothalamic change with dietary manipulation on a series of obese woman before and after losing weight. This project initiated her interest in treating people who have a difficult relationship with food within a multi-disciplinary setting and subsequently, over the next decade, worked with patients undergoing radical treatment to help them lose weight. Additionally, her post included input to the Eating Disorders Unit run by the late Professor Arthur Crisp. During the twelve years she worked with him, she developed the clinical dietetic service to the unit and extended her own dietetic training with both individual counselling skills and group training.

In 1993, Carol joined a very limited Eating Disorder service at the Priory Hospital Roehampton and, together with a dedicated multidisciplinary team, was instrumental in fully developing the service providing treatment for in-patients/day-patients and outpatients.  In 2007 Carol completed an MA entitled ‘Working with People with Eating Disorders’ at the Tavistock clinic, London. This enabled her to consider both the feeding process and her role as a dietitian in re-feeding her patients from a psychoanalytical perspective.  The challenge of nutritional change that is demanded as someone gradually recovers from an eating disorder can be extremely daunting. With regular individual contact, whether in the consulting room or at the meal table, Carol will support each patient referred to her to work towards achieving this change, together with inviting support from families and friends.

Three years ago Carol left the service at Priory Hospital Roehampton and is working solely with out-patients as a partner in the Chelsea and Harley St Eating Disorder Service (CAHSEDS). Recovery from an eating disorder is only achieved when there is both nutritional and emotional change and as multi-disciplinary team, we offer a compassionate and comprehensive service to our patients to help them achieve these changes.
Health & Care Professionals Council Registered: DT02299

WHEN: Tuesdays & Friday Mornings
APPOINTMENTS: M. 078 9996 4453 (& Enquiries)

Initial Consultation: £200.00
Follow Up: £150.00 (1 Hour) / £75.00 (30 Mins)