Florence is qualified as an Osteopath and a Sophrologist. Over the years, not only has she built a strong experience in her domain but she has also gained patients' trust and support from her fellow professional partners.

Florence focuses on the management of body stress using osteopathy and the caycedian method, two sciences at the service of your well-being; optimising your body's functioning and self regulation, by discovering the keys to unleash your full potential in life.

Her two-fold approach, global and individual, converges to the same final outcome; help the patient reach his or her own individual balance for a better outer and inner life in the long run. The global approach handles stress adaptation, means of regaining health, vitality and revive one's wellbeing to its full capacity. The individual approach handles the relief of symptoms of pain and discomfort. Florence teaches you the tools to acquire the right reflexes for an improved posture and self body awareness.

Osteopathy and Sophrology sessions are carried out in two different independent consultations; both highly recommended and fully compatible to achieve the best results!

WHEN: Saturdays 9:00-14:00, Evening Group Sessions available
APPOINTMENTS: M. 078 3488 4225 (& Enquiries)
FEES:  Initial Consultation: £120.00 (45 min)  Follow Up: £80.00 (30 min)
WEBSITE: http://www.florencepasteur.com