​In 1984 after qualifying in Edinburgh as a Registered Dietitian Jane worked at The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel.  During the early years of her career she gained experience in many areas of clinical dietetics.

It was in 1992 when she moved to Surrey with her family that her interest in the treatment of eating disorders and obesity began.  Working in the NHS she helped develop local specialist services for children & adults suffering from a wide range of eating disorders helping to ensure dietetics was seen as an essential part of the multidisciplinary team.

In 2009 she joined the team at The Priory Hospital in Brighton where she played a key role in setting up and running their small unit, dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders. Jane went on to join the team at The Priory Hospital Roehampton where she continued to build on her experience - supporting clients and their families as they seek help with the nutritional aspects of recovery from their eating disorder.

Jane is a member of the British Dietetic Association & is registered with the Health & Care Professions Council.

Professional qualifications:
BSc Nutrition & Dietetics, Advanced Diploma in the Behavioural Management of Adult Obesity

WHEN:  Mondays & Wednesday mornings
APPOINTMENTS:  M. 078 7673 3691

E-MAIL: jpt@btinternet.com

Initial Consultation: £200.00
Follow Up: £150.00 (1 Hour)  £75.00 for (30 Mins)

If the client gives more than 24 hours’ notice no fee will be charged. Less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation 50% of the fee is due. If a client does not cancel an appointment yet fails to attend the full fee is payable.

HEALTH INSURANCE:  Registered with:  WPA, CIGNA & Prudential